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Top 10 #WFH Tips in Partnership with ECOVACS

Ecovacs Ozmo 8 cleaning while I work

Thank you to ECOVACS for partnering with us on this post to bring you our best work from home tips.

10 #WFH Tips in Partnership with ECOVACS

Friends it has been one crazy month and I know we are feeling a bit overwhelmed. Have you ever been so hyper-aware of every pile, unanswered email or crumb? The thing about spending so much time at home, it shines a spotlight on all the systems that aren’t working. All the more reason to take back control and set up a workflow that gets you focused when you need to be.

I know there are people who want to use this time at home to Netflix and chill, I am all for a good Daybreak binge, but we don’t all have that luxury. If working from home and moving the needle is a priority for you, I thought I’d share what’s been working for me. Here are my top 10 tips for staying productive while working from home:

    1. Create an ideal morning and nightly routine. Start with a plan, do what you can.
    2. Plan your day the night before.
    3. Get 30 Minutes of exercise every day. A walk, a run, bedroom circles, just do it.
    4. Create a quiet work zone. A desk, a corner, a shower floor. Designate it.
    5. Divide and conquer housework. Who is holding what cards?
    6. Automate anything you can. Hello ECOVACS goodbye laborious vacuuming.
    7. Reconnect with your why. What are you working for? What’s your productivity purpose?
    8. Clear your desk. Like, totally clear. There’s power in removing visual distractions.
    9. Time block. Set a timer, take a break. Set a timer, take a break.
    10. Do it all with grace. Have a plan, and forgive yourself when you can’t stick to it.

Times are tough, but staying positive and productive is paramount as we work from home. We must continue to push the needle for ourselves, for our family and for our economy. I want to send a special thanks to my friends at ECOVACS or helping me spread the word about productivity at home. I’m loving getting to work knowing I can clean my house at the same time.

Monica working at desk with vacuum does the cleaning

Ecovacs vacuum

A short testimonial:

“The ECOVACS DEEBOT OZMO T8 has truly been a godsend over the past week since we have put her to work. With its multifaceted design capacity, it not only cleans seamlessly between tile and carpet but kills bacteria all while I work away at my computer. I’m not going to lie, it is kind of hypnotizing to watch too.

Truthfully though, I don’t even have to be in the same room while she cleans. The tech allows her to self-automate, going from room to room, avoiding cords, stairwells, and even balcony edges. I don’t know how it works, but it’s the magic we’ve been needing around here. Frankly, I have been vacuuming my whole life, I hardly know what to do with myself. Maybe I will finally make time to paint my toenails today! Probably not. I have a business to run, babe.” – Monica Leed



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