I am a label fiend. I love labels. But ‘why’ you may ask?
Thoroughly organizing a space creates transformational results in your home and life, which is exactly why we’re in the business of organizing. We love creating peaceful, energizing spaces for our clients (and friends) to thrive in.
Using labels is not a necessity in creating an organized space, but it does have a magical effect. Adding labels to an organized space is our secret sauce for solidifying and maintaining the new system long after the project is done.
Cords are the type of items that are especially difficult to identify at a glance. When they’re tossed in a bin or drawer together, they all look the same. Adding labels to your cords will create clarity and ease every time you’re looking for a specific item.
Here are 7 ways to label your cords and cables so they’re easier to find.
Use color-coded washi tape to differentiate your actively used chargers and headphones from your family’s or coworkers’. image via May Richer Fuller Be
Place a label on a binder clip, secure the binder clip to the side of your desk, and loop the corresponding cord through its prong. This will keep each cord easily identifiable and retrievable. image via Everyday Dishes
These colorful cord identifiers made by Dotz Shop are super fun and come in packs of 5. Since they’re pre-made labels, they’re less customizable; however, the ease and visual appeal has us intrigued!
Use a Sharpie to write down which device each cord belongs to on a piece of washi tape. It’s that simple. image via Daily Mom
Write on the far-left side of a long sticker label and secure it to the cord by folding it in half. image via Simply Organized
Put a printed label directly on the cord to identify what device it goes with. This approach works perfectly for any cord with a larger boxed plug. image via The Realistic Organizer
Ziploc bags are one of our favorite inexpensive organizing tools. Use them for grouping similar cords together and labeling that group. Write directly on the bag with sharpie, or add a sticky label to the outside. image via Awesome Inventions
Featured Image via The Chic Site