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From Rest to Routine: 5 Ways to Ease Back In

From Rest to Routine: 5 Ways to Ease Back In

Well friends, it only took me about three weeks to sit down and write my blog post about resetting and routine. Between a summer that felt like a ride in the tumble cycle to another month of COVID craziness, it sometimes feels like getting back to baseline is a misnomer. Did anyone else think this summer was going to be a restful and rejuvenation break, but it ended up being a wild ride? My operations manager went on maternity leave so in my mind, I thought it was great time for me to slow down too. Don’t get me wrong, a week on the beach did happen, but I’m not totally sure it was all sunshine and sandcastles. Whatever your summer looked like, restful or ridiculous, the struggle to get back on track is real. 

Alas, I’m finally feeling the necessary pull of that slow and steady routine that makes me feel in control. If you too struggle with to getting back into a routine, understandably preferring to chuck all responsibility and head right back to the beach, read on for my 5 tips for moving from rest (or rollercoaster) to routine. Here’s how:

Delegate with a spin 

Don’t do it all. Trust me I struggle with this the most and believe, it’s a daily challenge for me to give up my obsessive control freak, perfectionist nature. But as my dear friend Eve taught me, people do well with project ownership, not just task delegation. Eve calls it CPE (conception, planning and execution). What projects are you holding on to so tightly that you could actually pass along completely to someone else to lighten your load?

Identify your consistent habits

Consistency is key to success on many levels. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it’s a truism that consistency brings about the best results. Want proof? Start with something small and significant (we aren’t talking Bachelor in Paradise on Tuesdays here, but I feel you) and keep your commitment to yourself. Small routines, feed the bigger ones so don’t pressure yourself by claiming the big wins too soon. Start small, steady and sustainably. A nightly routine or a morning routine are great ways to create consistency without the pressure of a demanding and distracted day. 

Pick a Planner

If you know me, you know I am team paper planner all day but there’s a network if digital tools my team uses behind the scenes as well. The thing about the paper planner is that it acts a little like my accountability partner when Im not sitting down at my computer for hours during the day. Much of my time is spent out and about, with clients, with my team or you know, at the Container Store, so keeping track of my top priorities is paramount on the go. It’s so easy to avoid the digital task list when you’re not staring at it all day. A paper planner is my jam along with my nightly routine where I plan out my day and most important tasks. Currently, the Full Focus planner by Michael Hyatt.

Stick to a schedule 

One of the best things I’ve done for my schedule and my work week, was carve out days for specific tasks. While the summer threw a wrench in my well laid plans, the thing I am looking forward to the most is is getting back to my regularly scheduled programming. Mondays are admin day, Tuesdays are team meetings and digital marketing, and client’s days dedicated to the bread and butter of our business baby Thursday – Friday. Im changing up my routine to make it more exciting by adding in some self-care on Monday nights with a yoga class that’ll be part of my new normal. Just a small tweak to an existing schedule to get me excited to get back on track.

Clear the clutter

It will come as NO surprise that I’m an advocate for clutter clearing in all aspects of our lives. Physical clutter, digital clutter, mental clutter, it’s all heavy and it prevents us from taking clear and confident action. If you are feeling overwhelmed, and nervous about getting back into a routine, take a reset day to purge and reset. There’s power in removing the excess and creating a space that’s conducive to achieving your dreams. 

Still struggling? If you’re feeling really overwhelmed by the idea of getting organized, on track or back into a routine, my best advice is to embrace help. Call up your trusty friend to help you, hire an organizer or get the family on board to take on more responsibility. Don’t forget, there’s no shame in the delegation game. The world’s top performers know this, so you’ll hear me say it once or twice. 

xo, Mon



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