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12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist

Whether you’re a traditional type of artist, like a writer or painter, or a modern-day website designer or blogger, creating a designated corner or room for your projects is key.

Research has shown that our brain associates our environment with its corresponding actions, which makes it easier to access certain parts of our brain when we’re in that space. For instance, we become better cooks when we’re in our own kitchen. Our brain naturally calls on past memories of cooking when we’re in that familiar space.
If you write your poetry in the same location every time, your brain builds stronger neuropathways to your creative “brain zones.” Tapping into your creativity becomes easier if you always write, design or perform in the same environment. And let’s get real, if you’re creating something, minimizing writers-block (or whatever your creative equivalent is), is everything!
So, here’s your next project! Carve out a distraction-free zone that is your designated creative space. Stock it with all of the necessary paint brushes, notepads or pictures that will help you create your best masterpiece. Prioritize comfort and organize the space for optimal functionality.
By designing a space that’s functional, organized and beautiful, we become more likely to use it. And if we’re more likely to use it, we’re more likely to get busy on our next big project!
Here are 12 Art Studios & Creative Spaces that have us inspired! Whether it’s a unique storage idea, colorful display or funky design, we’re grabbing some ideas for a unique creative haven.


Creating a Designated Corner or Room For Your Projects // 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //

Bright Turquoise Rolling Shelves // 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


These bright turquoise rolling shelves are a high-impact, attractive storage option. We especially love that they’re doubling as this art studio’s room divider. via Interior Design 2015

Three Wall-Mounted Shelves // 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


These three wall-mounted shelves are installed high enough to maximize the entire wall from floor to ceiling. The floor is used to store tall canvases and artwork, while the shelves are the home to paper files and mementos. via My Scandinavian Home
Have a Functional Storage Space For Your Finished Work // 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


If painting is your craft, having a functional storage space for your finished work is a must! These large canvases are separated by cardboard and other protective materials to keep them good as new. via KristOfferSundin
White Filers and Bins From Wall To Wall // 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


White filers and bins from wall to wall is the way to go if you have lots of paper files and craft supplies lining your workspace. I especially love the shelving along the ceiling. What a fantastic use of vertical storage space! via Style at the Home
Wooden, Stacked Cubes as Additional Shelving // 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


The use of wooden, stacked cubes as additional shelving on top of the desk is brilliant for maximizing space. I’m also digging that this jewelry maker uses little hooks for her designs and below-the-desk shelves for extra office supplies. via Refinery29

.Unique Wall Hangers // 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


Forget about a traditional bulletin board for pinning up inspiration! This unique wall hanger looks so neat and organized against the glossy white drawers. via Glitter Guide
Reused Jars and Containers are Inexpensive and Functional// 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


If all your inspirational clippings are beautiful, brilliant images, we think the more the merrier. Reused jars and containers are an inexpensive and functional way to store colored pencils and paint brushes on a desk or counter. via Ignite Light

Set Up Your Desk By Some Natural Light // 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


If only every creative space had this much natural light! We’re feeling inspired by the open feel of these floor to ceiling windows. Setting up your desk by some natural light is the way to go! via My Favorite and my Best

Floor To Ceiling Bookshelves and Bulletin Board// 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


Here’s another example of how floor to ceiling bookshelves and a bulletin board the key is to maximizing storage space and visual inspiration displays. via Design Sponge

Vintage Suitcases Under The Desk // 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


We’re loving the vintage suitcases under the desk for extra-long term art supply storage. They’re another example of when “function meets form.” via Design Sponge

.Wicker Baskets To Store Everything// 12 Creative Spaces for the Organized Artist //


Last but not least, this workspace is using wicker baskets to store everything from fabric swatches to office supplies. We love the uniform and homey look throughout the space. via Verdigrisvie



Featured image via Lady Daylight





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