So what does it meanMon?

Allocate a space in the house to freely spread out and be yourself.

Understand that living with clutter can be a coping mechanism, trauma response, or capacity issue and never a moral failure.

Help others understand your color and why too much order and keeping up causes you stress.

If you live with others, you can support them by encouraging outside help in the areas where your capacity and priorities fall short of other's expectations. You might find common ground and maintain peace with a conversation about clutter colors and how to develop systems that accommodate everyone.  

So what are the other colors?


I like to think of our Silver friends as the “neat piles peeps.”

They’re tidy, but as long as everything is presentable, they are not concerned with a microsort.
They understand that life requires that certain messy breathing room. While sitting on the couch watching their favorite show, their thinking about the to-do list to tackle the clutter in the closet. 


As a Type A person, tidying up is a Gold's love language. They thrive in a clean, orderly, and systematic environment, which can be stressful when their organizational systems fall apart.
Recognizing this about them is key, and coming to an understanding and equal playing field is game-critical.
A Gold will likely manage or spearhead the organization, but it's not all on them. An organizer can be a lifesaver for cohabitation and meeting in the middle when you’re short on time or bandwidth.


When you share your space with others, it’s tough to live up to their expectaions. Unless you’re living with other Bronzies, a regular decluttering habit will keep the peace.

Take a deep breath and remember, life happens in the mess. Real life (even for professional organizers) includes schedules, cluttered kitchen counters, and piles of clothes on the floor! You're not a mess even if the house is.


 Whether you're ready to invest in professional services, take a course, read a book, or just gather as many tips off the top as you can, all my content is here to teach. I believe anyone can my learn tricks and tools for getting organized. Sometimes the right sustainable systems are all you need to keep collections cool. 


Does someone within your home have a different clutter personality than you do? Don’t stress!

Explain your unique blueprint, and why you don't thrive with imposed, over systemization.

Understand that not everyone has yours. If you have something that keeps you up at night, say it calmly and be clear about what specific areas you need free reign over.

hello there!


I'm the CEO and owner of Simply Spaced, a professional organizing and lifestyle brand

As a celebrity organizer and author of Simply Spaced: Clear the Clutter & Style Your Life, I here to help you transform your cluttered mind and home to support your best life.

my Story

I teach you how to think like a professional organizer, and teach you my exact 3-step method so you don't have to start from scratch. Think Sharpie's, Post-its, checklists and guides, plus 10 + years of professional experience in print. If all else fails, a great coffee coaster that's pretty and pink. 

Name and claim a space in your home where you can have full ownership as a place to decompress when you’re feeling overwhelmed. You need a space where you can be you. Start there.

Remember, as painful as it is, they are no less entitled to their truth. Compromise goes both ways. A room of one's own isn't always possible, but focusing on what you can control is the key to happiness at home.

Hire an organizer, a housekeeper, or a clutter coach if systems could be helpful but you don't have the bandwidth to create them. Outsource, assign, or delegate tasks so you don’t take on too much or end up resentful. Bring over a friend and block off time to work through my book and method with your family. You don't have to go it alone and the right systems will change the game. 

wanna browse the other results?

More about Silver

More about Gold